
How A Screen Routine Can Help Keep Screen Time Under Control

Setting screen time goals is all fun and games until we slip up and start feeling hopeless about the whole thing.We’ve all had times where we’ve given in to kids asking for...


Brilliant Benefits of Walking or Biking to School

Did you know there’s a way you can keep fit, be mindful, help the environment and have fun at the same time? How? It’s by walking or rolling to school! October 12...


Feature Focus: HD Video Calling

There’s nothing like talking to your child face-to-face. From seeing them laugh when they tell jokes to watching their puppy dog eyes when they say they totally didn’t eat the last biscuit in the...


Three Safety Features for a Happy, Safe Halloween

Boo! Halloween is a time for kids to have fun with crazy costumes, lots of candy and a few good scares for fun. Halloween can be scary for parents too- but for...


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